We have time – Immortality
Dear friends,
the world in which we live consists of the most different realities.
On earth, structures are partly given because they like to constrict the mind. These include permanently running programs, world views and other influences such as information through advertising, news, etc.. In order to purify ourselves from all these and to protect ourselves constructively, the mental and spiritual alignment as well as the guidance of the heart is the decisive thing.
There are repetitions to mislead people mentally and to program them mentally. Thus, it often takes time to recognize and transform expiring programs as well as beliefs, patterns, etc.
The beauty of this is that we have time. We do not need to put pressure on ourselves to dissolve everything as quickly as possible and fill it with love. One way or another, it will be love that heals everything. Piece by piece. Love is always omnipresent and timeless. Since we are love, we too are timeless, infinite beings. Immortality is stored in us.
Especially in people who put themselves in enormous stress and hectic – having to do this or that – these memories remain in the subconscious, although they want to appear present on the surface. We do not have to do anything. We are allowed to live. Inner peace belongs to life. Inner peace always includes time for everything the soul wants to experience and feel. Where the spirit wants to travel with or without a physical body and what the mind wants to think. With everything that belongs to the human being. This is important so that we heal in gentleness and in the light without reinforcing hardened structures.
Relaxation usually brings the release of all blockages. Relaxation allows the light body to move freely in the flow of life.