Time for brightness
Dear friends,
it does not matter where we are to constantly learn. To learn what we want to. We can receive important and interesting informations at any time if we are constantly connected with our heart. It requires fine tuning to realize where we want to get a new input from and in which direction our brain and heart wants to evolve. There will never be boredom with our divine connection.
We will always be able to learn and try new or even well-known things.
We all have the tools and keys to open and unfold our heart and brain, as well as all the other parts of our bodies that matter.
We all have the possibility to (for example), perceive the energies in detail, to activate our bright senses for a multidimensional world or to find and activate a new talent which could make the world shine.
Everybody can find themselves in this process and everybody can show their tasks in this recovery. We are allowed to take our time with that. Again, and again.