Structures of love and light
Dear friends,
within knitted systems and manufactured models there are structures, which were and are always tinkered together with the mind. For a visible and tangible free future on all levels, in all dimensions and worlds, it needs the access to structures of the original, divine order. This order emerges as soon as we let our heart “rule”. Our heart tells us exactly what freedom, truth and love mean. Structures cannot be forced or pigeonholed with our mind. They can find their way in us and around us in ease and love based on true nature and be left FREE in their effect.
This also includes that we as light beings connect with our vibration and our consciousness where we are within our processes. That is why we are able to flow and unfold in light and love.
Through many habitual and prefabricated structures, humanity prevents itself from the breakthrough of individual, global, and universal discoveries, inventions, and developments. We limit ourselves in those moments. Mostly as a collective. Even then, as soon as we supposedly break new ground, new collectives are formed as a result.
This means that we as human beings can perceive ourselves fundamentally limited and imperfect. We all perceive divine structures up to a certain point. However, they also work without our daily awareness and make sure that they actually work . Thus, we are already perfect, it only needs our memory and its implementation. Resolute, loving, and full of light.