Primal trust to the children
Dear friends,
children of the coming time will increasingly follow their hearts, which will make it hard for them to understand the difference between their own thinking and the thinking of adults. Therefore, the thinking of the generations usually diverges because the thoughts – of the people functioning in the system – do not correspond to children’s will and wishes for the future. Instead of endangering the trust of children, it is important to look in every respect why they are the way they are. Why they think the way they think. Why they feel the way they feel. Why they act the way they do. This is of more importance than some people can imagine.
It is not helpful to butcher your own thoughts in the meantime. Sometimes it just helps to put yourself in your own feelings as a carefree child and learn together with them to build a different, peaceful world. To let the mind guide you, to surrender the guidance of the heart and just flow and enjoy life. Surrender always requires trust. For the development of one’s own basic trust, time and patience are needed. These are impulses which are increasingly needed in order to give space to an understanding world.
It means approaching each other from all sides. Children who are centered in their heart feel exactly whether the other person is congruent with what they think, feel and how they act. In this connection adults can learn from children. The children of this time need help from adults, so that they are able to bring their true thoughts and feelings into this world within a protected framework. However, they will gladly accept this help especially as soon as adults understand how children feel.
The time up to this age involved a similar corrective process for each child. Not only this age but also children were born to transform the outdated thinking into love with love. For this, it is helpful that adults are also receptive to love and do not interpret anything untrue or twisted into it. This works best if the thoughts have a break and the feelings are allowed to come to the surface. In this state it is possible for everyone to surrender to the moment, full of primal trust and to recognize life as a simple gift again.