Playing along
Dear friends,
the deep inner feeling of wanting to belong already exists in our childhood. To be connected and at the same time free. What we associate freedom and all our thoughts and feelings with is up to us. However, our soul gives clear and unambiguous signs of what really moves us. Everything around it is built to create a life based on matter.
Our creative power is often limited when we adapt to people or whole systems that rob energy or steer it in the opposite direction, instead of encouraging the growth of true potential. It is up to us, to decide, to what extent we want to play along with something in our lives.
In some things it is important and wise to play along even though one’s consciousness is far from the current overall state of an existing game. That’s what it takes to move forward on earth.
To other things we can pay no or less attention to or totally ignore them. But we are always part of the whole. We cannot say that we do not belong to it. Therefore, we do not have to take part in everything. We can consciously decide where and how we play along and where we give our own energy to.