Patience exercise
Dear friends,
one of the strongest exercises needed as a human being is unconditional patience. If we are in unconditional love and connected to our light body, patience is automatically present. We can then simply access it and let it work. Beyond space and time. Everyone is differently unique and everyone deals with change differently. We are indeed One in our hearts, but outside of the Source it takes time to recognize this Oneness and let it live within us during this incredible diversity. If impatience comes through, due to lack of awareness, expectations, or unfulfilled desires, it is helpful to let go. Also when our soul and our bodies and minds feel uncomfortable due to certain effects on the earth. Especially when certain areas are too powerful for our current space of change, we can ask higher spheres for help and hand things over to the source.
Development and transformation processes can be extremely impaired and delayed, especially by the consumption of medicines, alcohol, nicotine and other drugs, genetically manipulative substances and toxic foods, the reinforcement of patterns and sanctions, and so on. These are things that people can change. Here, it is our mental power and spiritual direction that has the decision-making potential. Because our soul does not need to consider direction and speed for its development. For it, the path of truth and appreciation is unambiguous and clear.
In order to be able to heal mentally and remain at peace, it helps all to have patience for oneself and to follow a path in which we are protected in the best possible way during this time. Overall, we are often part of passive or also active effects of these unlight actions, which have arisen due to lack of patience and self-love and subsequent separation. Only the mind can cap the patience that can be present in all of us. In every learning process there comes a point when we have internalized a learning issue. So it is with patience, for it is part of love. If we can give ourselves infinite patience, at some point even the last unlight thoughts, feelings and actions will dissolve, because peace takes over the presence in every land.