Healing and the unharmed world
Dear friends,
healing and advancement do not develop if we force ourselves to do something, it happens when we give ourselves time and wait until the knowledge and findings we make, want to work. That is simply because we do not want to resonate, we want to decide us for this or that. To let go from within your heart. To live in the moment. You need your own will for that. Devilish thoughts, dark paths, sickness, addiction, and other sorrow will dissolve into love. Love will take the matter into its own hand. The souls’ path will be flooded with light and ease while we are in this condition but it could also spread around us or in us. We are the ones that can level and maintain this path for us.
We need both or more sides to accomplish healing overall. We can be at peace with everything and be with ourselves to maintain our peace. We need everybody that is involved in human history, to bring more peace, love, and a complete healing of the past, present and future of the earth and its residents. It could (for example) be helpful to be concentrated on positive memories if we are flooded with negative ones. We can decide at what point we allow dark memories to get to us, if we are ready to look at them and how we let them affect us and deal with them. But it will not free us if we continue to ignore them, close our eyes towards them, we must treat our fears gently/lovingly and communicate with them. It is our determination to acknowledge ourselves and to live healed in an ideal world. It is a process. That is why it is so important to take time for yourself and to approach each other, to live initiative and to bravely follow your heart. It is up to us when this healing will start.
It needs humans to let earth glow like a ball full of light.