Creating light fields
Dear friends,
we have arrived in a time where we are allowed to bravely and actively follow our heart. Ideas and implementations for light fields have waited a long time to be lived and can now grow and thrive because of the connection to our lightful bodies. The time to activate, stabilize and expand your own light field is here, so that the darkness does not have any power over humanity anymore.
This is how we know that our lightful body and therefore our bright field is activated:
-We relate to everything that is.
-We are in peace with everything.
-We see through things that are not true and live the truth instead.
-We let go from the connections to unruly, selfish people, that want to force the structures of the old systems on us.
-We know what we want and we find constructive ways full of clarity, confidence, and hope.
-We easily transform our own shadows into light.
-Our brain is filled with light, so that we can open our mind for something new. For things that do not exist yet on earth – based on love and empathy.
-We consciously do things that are important for our development, for example: We eat healthy food, and do activities that connect us to people, animals and plants that give us energy.
-We find ourselves in true unconditional self love and love to others.
-We access our multistranded DNA.
-We are free from any kind of shape and we are in balance with body, spirit, and soul.
-We bravely stand up to our tasks and capabilities.
-We know that we should bring our will to earth and that we should connect ourselves with the light creatures that want to actualize this together.
That is how we increase our vibration, so that we are not vulnerable and can be the best possible protection for the active transformation and design that will happen in the future. Everything we do in this direction of movement helps mother earth with her transformation and developmental process. To design and to bring something light, original, and new to our light bodies. In that body it is possible to live and learn on the same level. That is how we, as lights, manifest the way of original structures together.