Change and Transformation
Dear friends,
a lot of people are searching for love, security, and inner satisfaction. All those things we cannot find on the outside, but within ourselves. There are times, when old topics come back to the surface because they want to be looked at again. A lot of people often try to solve them out of the inner pressure they feel. On the other side there are times when we can be and are just satisfied and happy, because we do not feel the need to change or consciously transform something. It happens automatically. This is the original intended condition for humanity, the people who live on earth and the entire cosmos. In this moment we do not need to search for something, because we feel the completeness in us and are filled with love. We do not need to change anything. To do something from within your inner peace/satisfaction opens new energetic possibilities to cause changes on earth. It is an interplay of our own spiritual and inner guidance, and to let go at the exact right moment. Sometimes we need to change our steps to level our way for a conscious and lightful transformation. With our willingness to change we give ourselves the possibility to let a deep transformation happen. Transformation usually includes the resolution of internal destructive topics that are no longer up to date, so that we can develop constructively and fill ourselves with light.