
I am here to remind people of unconditional love.
This is enough to move the game together towards something good.

The greatness and beauty of our soul cannot be conquered by unseen forces,
because it is love in its very essence.

Primal essences such as love and peace are fragments for the realization of inner truth. They are the basic building blocks for a future full of light that we have chosen.

Every cell in our bodies is light. We are born to give this word the appropriate meaning and energy. To animate our inner light with a presence that we have chosen.

Development becomes obviously possible as soon as light illuminates that, which wants to unfold in love.

Love is the most powerful force. It will transform everything and everyone who allows it to work in its originality.

Freedom will spread through a harmonious development in all hearts and go beyond all borders of cities, countries, seas, and continents. An all-connecting force of love that allows a common consciousness to blossom in body, mind, and soul.

The truth of our inner values reveals feelings of deep harmony of consciousness. During this transformation process, the unlight dissolves on its own. All darkness and shadows thus offer a playing field for more intense visibility of light.

The totality already contains the optimum, perfection and beauty. Humanity simply needs to decide on these qualities again and again.

The sound of love automatically guides every living being onto the right path.

I am not here to conform to the idea of artificial constructs. I am here to think truth, to feel freedom and to live love.

The game of life can be recognized in wide high horizons. The meaning is contemplation and self-empowerment at the same time.

Happiness is pre-programmed in our primal core. If we consciously choose the natural matrix that is constructive for us, we automatically align ourselves with the good. If the majority of humanity does this, the earth will shine in its naturalness.

With a strong will, a strong heart, and a clever mind, we can achieve anything we want.

The natural flowering of a person always comes from within and then shows itself on the outside.

The moment comes when you remember that you are love and we unite into one great light.

Tenderness and subtlety are two of many essences that always receive perfect attention on paths to peaceful worlds.

This game is not about the masses choosing the light. We can potentiate our own light in such a way that we light up the whole existence. But in a community with human souls, who once chose to live on earth, a form of healing can emerge that has never existed before.

People would not have chosen their existence – their own life – if they had not always been enthusiastic about the world of love. For we would need an infinite amount of love and courage to enter this game than to decide against a life of love now.

The origin is so clear and simple that most people cannot decipher it. We humans have anchored it in our hearts and are able to access it at any time. Then people have the game back in their own hands.

People will stand as a family as soon as they reclaim their own, true, inner home and consciously choose peace.

In pure energy, it is not important to perform miracles. Because everything we need to live and what we once chose, is already there. And yet everything we create is a miracle.

An evolutionary leap is always something that humanity prepares for together, in order to be able to accomplish it together.

The human being is pure creativity. With his own inner building blocks, he can create his own creative world at any time.

Love is intelligence, that constantly realigns itself and finds a path to inner and outer freedom.

Courage is in all of us. Otherwise, we would not be who and where we are. We can take this courage, reactivate it and say “yes” to ourselves over and over again in order to bring something that is REALLY full of light to earth.

It does not take all human beings to reach the next stages of an evolutionary leap through loving quantum leaps. One person alone can experience the ascent together with the earth, or it can be done by several people who unite in the spirit of light. People who are united in their hearts. United in spirit, no one can harm humanity.