Wise Intelligence
Dear friends,
intelligence cannot be measured by intellect or elevated ego. It oftentimes takes wise restraint at the appropriate moment. Everything will eventually come to light. If we keep going, everything will come to this world at the right time and get to the right place.
There are all different kinds of intelligences. It is always of great importance whether and how we want to deal with it. What and to what extent we get involved with something or someone. Thus, there are very different possibilities to experience intelligence in all areas. But it is certain that the strongest and highest intelligence is called love. Since we all originally have this within us, it is very important to access it as intensively as possible and to let it work from within.
Intelligence is not characterized by subtle perceptions or abilities. It reflects the heart’s abundance of love and the consciousness that comes with it. With a fulfilled heart, everyone can naturally discern what it takes (what dose), to implement their will. Heart intelligence enables completely new and easy ways for a higher and more modern kind of intelligence. New ways for a life on and with earth. A life in peace.