Souls are wonders made of light
Dear friends,
we all have a beautiful soul. What we decide to do with it is our responsibility. The biggest and most wonderful gift is that we are the ones that can give ourselves what we need and at the same time leave the things we do not need at all. It is nothing to be afraid of. The inner wonder can be strengthened through or with others, but it is up to us to discover what our qualities and tasks are. Nobody should try to do or decide anything for us. Other people can help us with it but we are the ones that will bring it to life by following our path. To listen to our heart. That is why we are people with heart and soul. Body and Spirit.
Our soul needs us and wants to be heard by us. To do that, we can create our own room and time, so that our soul can show its strength. This way we can heal our wounds, that left imprints in our body, mind, and soul. Now we have the possibility to be healthy and happy and to develop happiness and ease. Through that we give our individual soul a big portion of bliss and inner peace and we will create an intensive connection to ourselves. Because we are our soul.
If many people will follow their soul, a big beautiful charming – complete soul will emerge. The quality and deepness of this soul will bring the clarity of love to this earth, which will accomplish world peace.