
There is a truth that shines through all existence with indescribable simplicity and beauty. It is the human soul that recognizes the appearance, so that the truth can blossom again, into a radiant light.


Freedom is a feeling that humanity experiences in those moments when the signs of heaven find expression in the components of earth.


Love is a state in which humanity perceives the perfection of creation in every cell and allows it to work in its depth.


The warmth of the light

A heart-light welcome to my world! I invite you to remember what it means to be human, how it feels to be love and how it feels to be free. Each one of us goes their own way. Each one of us is crazy and wild in our own way. And that’s how it should be. We should dream – with our inherent spirit, with which we create everything our child desires. We should live – with the heart that shows itself in each of us in an indescribably beautiful uniqueness. We should fly – with the wings with which we came to earth. If we combine this with the deep inner peace within us, which we have kept since infinity – happiness will also become visible to the whole of humanity.

“It is a miracle that you are here!
I thank you for it!”

“I became human in order to be human. I became life in order to be alive. I became love in order to be love.”

Anika Dorothea


We are here to remember and live unconditional love. Memories of us as human beings are beautiful because our souls love journeys of discovery. Gathering new experiences in a human body – with all the possibilities of an indescribably enchanting variety of light potentials – is what makes life on Mother Earth so rich and colorful. You can find some of my journeys here.

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Looking into the past with full gratitude

“The time has come when we can look into the past with full gratitude and be fascinated by the inexhaustible power of the earth and its inhabitants of life. A time when we perceive what is REALLY good for us and what is not. Books are a form – to carry stories dreamed by us, to give us strength together, to remember and to develop. A way to immerse ourselves in a world that makes us human.”



Time for tangible truth, inner peace, and boundless freedom

Our souls tell us when we are at the appropriate place, what our tasks are and how we can constructively realize them. True souls always reach their destination. In peace and mercy. They come together in love to evolve and heal together.

to Soultime




We are the light, love, and life

We will exist in a time when love will reign in the world. Love means liveliness – love lives freedom – love is truth. It is in our hands to remember and develop a consciousness that will bring us what our souls desire. Through which we can enjoy our life on earth. Everyone can thus do something towards these soul desires, towards the healing world. In primal trust, full of wisdom and determination!

to Projects

Do you have any questions?

You are welcome to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Antonia Romana

Antonia accompanies me since 29.2.2000 as an earth and soul sister. With her deep inner wisdom and her unbelievably peaceful and love-filled nature she enriches – mostly in silence – the lives of many living beings.
On her heart’s path she travels mainly physically as a role model for freedom and independence and takes over the translations of my or our inner impulses into English.
She loves the connection between heaven and earth. This shows her craft and artistic talent in several areas. This shows her craft and artistic talent in several areas.

“May your feet take you where your heart wants to go.”

Antonia Romana


About me

Anika Dorothea

I was born as Anika Dorothea on 01.06.1998 in a small town in central Thuringia. Ever since my childhood I had the desire to bring love to people. For global peace, freedom, and truth.

A lot of things were done to prevent this heart’s desire, which I accepted as a fact to develop myself further to be able to carry out my chosen tasks. Thereby I remember my spiritual, mental, and physical abilities, which enable me to playfully shape the existence on earth as a multidimensional being. To experience the world – thanks to an expanded consciousness – in an incredible diversity and unlimited possibilities. To experience the world – thanks to an expanded consciousness – in an incredible diversity and unlimited possibilities.

“There is a life force in us humans that reveals itself through willpower, courage and a tender, clear wisdom and lets us bring forth changes – transform us. This light force lets us create a world full of love and peace.”

Anika Dorothea


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